
+ 703-520-2124


[email protected]

Session Fees

The Personal Reconnection is facilitated over two one-hour sessions with a rest cycle in between. They can be consecutive days but no more than 3 days apart.

Payments may be made with bank transfer, credit card, Paypal, or Venmo

Reconnective Healing SessionPersonal Reconnection
$150 per 1 Hour Session$333 (2 Sessions)

Session Information

Healing can happen after one session or unfold in time. There is no right or wrong, you will receive the healing that is appropriate for you.  Healing comes in all forms.  The optimal way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of ease, without specific expectations or attachment to results.  Benefits can be achieved with only 1-3 sessions.

Reconnective Healing ® is facilitated hands-off while you relax on your back, fully clothed on a massage table. It is important that you are comfortable and relaxed.  We will suggest that you have your eyes closed so that you may receive the most from the experience without distractions.  Simply let go and observe what you are receiving. Although the session is facilitated “Hands –off” you may observe  a variety of sensory or physical sensations as your body interacts with the healing frequencies.

Sessions are scheduled for an hour. You’ll have approximately 30-35 minutes on the table followed by debrief to discuss your experience.  Sessions are unique for each individual.  The debrief is just to allow you to remember what happened during your session.


Dress comfortably. You will be fully clothed, shoes off, resting face up on a padded massage table. (Inform your practitioner if you have difficulty lying on your back so that we can make accommodations for you)

Scents, Fragrances and Aromas

Various scents, fragrances and/or aromas often appear for some clients during sessions.  Please arrive free of externally added fragrances.